Signed in as:
We are currently starting to plan for 2025 so watch this space for all the information closer to the date in early 2025.
Our Poppy Team of volunteers have been very busy focusing on organising our annual Poppy Day appeal fundraiser, Thank you all, and especially to Julie for the organisation of the Poppy Boxes to our Local Businesses.
The Annual Poppy Appeal this year is on Friday 21st April, please support all our Veterans. This years appeal is to raise awareness, that not all Veterans are Old. Over the last 30 years, there are more than 30,000 Veterans under the age of 50 in New Zealand serving in areas, such as Africa, Bosnia, Timor, Afghanistan and Iraq.
This year hopefully will be a big year for the ECB RSA, because the last few years have been hampered by Covid and the various lock downs. Please members, I do urge you all to support us during the Poppy Day appeal fundraiser, every dollar does count. If you would like to be part of the Poppy Fundraising Team this year, please call the Office on 4788033.
This year, we have 3 other ways to donate as well as our Poppy Day Boxes, that you will see on your travel.
April 1st – Poppy Boxes distributed throughout the East Coat Bays area to businesses.
April 21st – April 23rd Poppy appeal for the general public. All volunteers will be out and about in the ECB area selling Poppies.
April 25th - ANZAC Day 2024.
Once again, I thank you for your time and support and let’s make the 2023 Poppy Day appeal fundraiser the best yet.
Kind Regards,
Executive Committee
East Coat Bays Area
East Coat Bays Area
Browns Bay Beach Reserve
Browns Bay Beach Reserve
East Coat Bays Area
East Coat Bays Area